Why Would Someone Come for a Reiki Session?

Our human system—the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body—is designed to heal itself, and is in fact in a constant state of correcting imbalances, clearing out toxins and seeking wholeness—a state we call “healing.”  And at the same time, as we live our life we are constantly impacted by forces in the world and within ourselves that interrupt or reverse this healing process.  The practice of Reiki creates a container, flooded with energy resources, within which our whole system can deeply engage the process of healing that we are built for. 

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The Inner Terrain of Leadership*

Each of us, whether or not we identify as a leader or hold a formal leadership position, has the ability to influence other people and situations in ways that are conscious and unconscious. SoulCollage® has much to offer in understanding leadership, as it is a pathway into our subconscious beliefs, biases and behaviors that govern how we show up in different spaces.

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